Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Controversial Mom

If I had looked into my future just ten years ago to see who I am today, I would never have believed it.  Back in the day--like in my late teens, early twenties--I used to not care about anyone or anything.  I didn't immerse myself into any controversial topic whatsoever.  I was literally careless.  I didn't understand why I should care about stupid things that I didn't think affected me.  I was living free in the land of ignorance is bliss.  Believe it or not, I sometimes miss that land.  But, just like childhood, once you leave it you can never go back.

Since the beginning of time, people have been followers, so I can't even say I don't understand why everybody wants to be so damn average all the time.  It's human nature to want to be liked and to fit into society, and being average is a great way to achieve those things.  Believe me, I, of all people should understand that in a big way because for so long I could not figure out how to fit into society as an infertile woman.  But still, I am greatly bothered by that trait among my species.  Hey guys, look at me, I'm average!  I have a house, a husband, three kids and a dog who are just like everyone else's!  What is the matter with us?  Are we all just a bunch of mindless drones?!  It's like bugs flying into the light!  Why can't people just snap out of it and think for themselves?  I did, and even though it means no one likes me anymore, I'm mighty proud of myself for it too.

As of now, I am almost the complete opposite of who I thought I was becoming as a younger adult.  I mean, not in a huge gothic/psycho/criminal way or anything.  I just mean my morals are a lot different than the ones I used to cling to for no other reason than to be liked or because I had no other reason not to.  I'm sure it all changed gradually over the years that my husband & I were trying to have a baby, but to me it changed rather instantaneously the moment my daughter came into this world.  It was like my light switched on.  Suddenly, as a new parent, I puffed up my feathers and became over-protective, opinionated and obstinate about everything.  You may think I'm over the top in my parenting choices, and that's your right, but don't you dare try to tell me how to raise my baby!  I might slug you--because remember, I don't care what people think of me anymore.  Okay, that's a huge lie, but if I have to choose between doing the right thing and being liked, I'm going to choose doing the right thing.

So, since my parenting choices are so widely unpopular, I wanted very much to share and explain how I came to my decisions so that maybe someday they won't be so controversial anymore and people will begin to open their eyes beyond that of their TVs and quit thinking that just because everyone is doing something, that makes it right.

These are some of my more controversial beliefs which I'll talk about over time:

Natural Birth
Crying it out
Organic Food
Organic Everything
Plant-Based Diet
Cloth Diapers
Positive Parenting

All I care about in the world is my daughter.  Anything that affects my daughter in this world is everything, so suddenly, I have a strong opinion about everything! And what is most interesting about it all is that I've discovered most of my opinions are the complete opposite of  the general public's beliefs.  But seriously, I never thought I would care so deeply about a great many things.  My brother and I recently had one of the many philosophical conversations we've had over the years, and ended up talking about the meaning of life (always one of the better conversations to have, right?), and he asked me if God doesn't exist, what is our motive to live?  I instantly understood what our motive was.  Sabina, I thought!  Just like every other species on Earth, my motive to live is for my baby!  What kind of selfish punk would I be if I had children (like soooo many other people in this world already) and didn't give a crap about what kind of planet they would inherit after I die?  We live to better ourselves.  For what?  For life!  Life.  If you don't care about your life, then do our over-populated planet a favor and end it.