Friday, September 23, 2016

Old Teachers, New Parents

Kindergarten is a harrowing experience for all. The kids are fresh, untouched by the public education scene. They're wide eyed and a combination of excited and scared spitless. The parents, if they don't already have older kids, have never experienced the whole school system thing since they themselves were children, and even then don't know what it's like as a parent. So I'm sure it takes a special kind of teacher to take on kindergarten. You can't have unrealistic expectations with kindergartners, or their parents. It's like my issues with pediatric nurses. If you can't deal with the frazzled newbie parents, then you have no business doing that job. 

My baby girl turned 5 this year. You know, the baby this blog was all about trying to have in the beginning? Our journey to this point with Sabina has been far longer than a mere 5 years. We've had hopes and dreams for her for more like 15 years as we struggled to have a baby, then marveled at her surprise conception, battled through the terrifying pregnancy (would I make it to the end?) and then jumped head first into parenting with all the signs of your average over protective helicopter parents. And rightly so! She is our miracle baby! As a full time mom, I have watched over her every step and development for the last 5 years of her life. I nursed her to sleep every night for 3.5 years, never leaving her side. She never slept without Mommy beside her. Friends and family thought I was crazy that I never took a "much needed Mom's night out" and left her with a babysitter. I wouldn't do it. I didn't want to. There was never any other place I'd rather be than by my daughter's side.

The first day of school came all too quickly for us. It couldn't come fast enough for Sabina. She was begging us to take her to school since the last day of preschool at the start of summer. We didn't enroll her into traditional preschool. I chose to "homeschool" her through her preschool years until last spring when we decided to enroll her into a kindergarten prep class for the last two months of the school year. I simply don't believe preschool is a necessary part of schooling, especially at such young ages as 2 & 3! Sabina was 4 years old, rapidly approaching 5, and we felt she would benefit from a little introduction to going to school with other kids and teachers, etc. It was two days a week, and she loved it! For us, though, it was just another reminder of how fast kindergarten was approaching. We were busy researching the crap out of schools, weighing the pros and cons of every option out there. Any old school wasn't going to cut it for our baby girl. She deserved far better than your average public school, which I wanted no part of. Not only have I been to public schools, but I've read far too much on the subject of public education to at least be weary of it, but more likely staunchly against it altogether. I wanted her to go to a private Montessori school, and I researched each one in our area. They were perfect for our lifestyle. It was everything we believed in and more. But who could afford $1100 a month tuition? Then only to double that in 4 years when Tristan starts kindergarten?! It was heartbreaking. So, we bucked up and decided that if we couldn't do private school, the least we could do was find a highly rated public school and transfer Sabina there, since the school she was assigned just so happens to be the WORST rated school within a two district radius. There was NO WAY we were going to send her there! We searched and loved the amazing 9 rating elementary school just a couple blocks from my husband's work in the next town. We were immediately turned down when we inquired, because already by January of the previous school year, they stopped accepting transfer requests for this year. So, because that school was outside our district, we turned to another good rated school within our district, but on the district website was a letter of doom. Because of overcrowding in elementary schools, no transfer requests will be honored this year. That was it. The moment we had to decide if we could stomach sending her to the worst rated elementary school in a two district radius, or should we just homeschool her? After talking it over with several people and ultimately with ourselves, we decided to give the school a shot. Maybe she'd have an amazing teacher who could balance out all the negative reviews and ratings this school had. We hoped hard all the way to that first day of school.

Registration hadn't been the best experience, due to the fact that we had to submit an exemption form for Sabina's "required" vaccinations. The woman at the desk hadn't been the most pleasant. "You can't do that," she kept saying over and over, pursing her lips at us as we stared wide-eyed at her with registration paperwork in hand. She was referring to the fact that we couldn't register Sabina until they had proof of her vaccinations. We had filled out every part of the paperwork except for the vaccine portion because we had yet to get Sabina to her doctor appointment that wasn't scheduled until the first week of July, after which the school office would be closed for the summer. Whether she would be vaccinated or not, we still could not provide this information until after the appointment. We left, then came back another day to meet with a different woman who actually dealt with registration, and she was much more understanding, offering to put a note on Sabina's file that we would be getting her exemption form over the summer and told us to fax it, which we ultimately did. Two weeks into Sabina's kindergarten year, we got a call from the school nurse saying she wasn't up to date with her vaccinations, and that we needed to submit proof before the end of the month or she would be expelled. Obviously, they never got the faxed exemption form over the summer. We faxed it again.

Wracked with nerves, we attended the "sneak peek" of Sabina's kindergarten class. The teachers were overly nice, and seemed pleasant and welcoming, and we were feeling a little better by the next day when we would be joining Sabina on her first official day of school for orientation. The circle drive at the school was packed, and so were all the parking spaces. It was nearing 9:00, and school starts at 9:05, so I told Mike just to drop me and Sabina off at the curb, like several other parents were doing, and he could find a parking spot and then come meet us. I stepped out after several minutes of us just idling in the same spot. No car was moving, and I didn't want her to be late on the first darn day! Stepping onto the sidewalk with Sabina in hand bouncing happily beside me, proudly sporting her brand new pink Peppa Pig backpack, I startled as a woman in a bright orange & yellow vest started shouting across the way at me. "You can't get out there! You have to wait until you get to the crosswalk!" What?? "Okay, well I just wanted her to be on time!" I shouted back, turning my back to her and walking Sabina to the school. What the heck kind of dumb rule is that? Wait until you get to the crosswalk? For what reason? We weren't crossing a road, we were stepping out directly onto the sidewalk! That means every car has to wait for the car in front of them to drop off their kid before they can drop theirs off, one by one!? Besides, way over by the crosswalk she was referring to that led to the parking lot, was quite a distance from the front of the school. It would make a whole lot more sense to drop kids off closer to the front of the school where you could watch them walk in, rather than way over on the farthest side of the field by the dumpsters! A second circle drive is located in prime real estate directly in the front and center of the school, but it's for buses only. The parent drop off circle is to the side of the bus circle, where they make you drive to the FAR left end (the farthest distance from the school) to drop off AND pick up your kids! It's ludicrous!  So, already fuming at that encounter of getting yelled at after barely stepping foot onto the school campus, I walked Sabina through the gate into the courtyard full of shouting students, and made our way over to the kindergarten room. The door was closed, and there were more ladies in orange & yellow vests standing guard to make sure no one passed a certain point before the bell rang. They were keeping the kids corralled in this one courtyard like cattle. It seemed very disturbing to me. 

Mike found us inside the classroom after the bell rang and we sat through the chaotically rushed one hour orientation. The teacher seemed nice, but she was an older lady with short salt & pepper gray hair who gave off a hint of impatience for new parents. During the orientation, she had explained that she had two grown children and several grandchildren, and had been teaching for over 20 years. Sounds great at first. I mean, she must know what she's doing by now. But then I began to notice things. Like how set in her ways she'd become. I had secretly been hoping she would have a fresh bubbly new young teacher straight out of college, full of excitement and empathy for all the new parents. It seemed to me that over the years, Sabina's teacher had made a list of all the things new kindergarten parents do and say to her, and then told everyone at orientation her answers to these things rather abruptly. One of which was, "As soon as you drop your child off at the room, it's best if you just turn around and leave, especially if there's tears. They really do much better if you're not there." This piece of advice just hit me the wrong way. The funny thing is that I'd actually heard this before from my own mother who was a preschool teacher. I understand the logic of it. It might make the kid stop crying when you leave, but I still can't agree with it. It's completely insensitive, and extremely hurtful to the parent and especially the child. What the teacher was basically insinuating was that parents are not welcome. She wants them to go away immediately and leave their kids without concern for whether they are emotionally stable or not. This is an emotional time for parents and children alike. Telling parents to walk away and leave their child sobbing with a bunch of strangers is akin to ripping the child out of my arms and having security escort me off campus! That's how it feels! I was an extremely sensitive, shy little girl and I have vivid memories of being left in a new classroom as I was crying for my momma not to leave me. When she left me anyway, I felt betrayed and had nightmares about that for a long time and became even more terrified of being left places by my parents. Oh, and I also developed an enormous hate for school that never went away. Right at that moment, I realized my daughter's teacher did not have any patience left for the new kindergarten parents she encountered year after year. 

We soon discovered that the campus in general is not parent friendly at all. On our way out of orientation, we were told to take a look around and familiarize ourselves with the school. Passing the gym, Sabina asked what that was, so we followed a couple other parents inside to show her it's where she would probably play ball or have assemblies, etc. Almost immediately, we were shooed out by a man rushing across the gym floor at us. "You can't be in here! It's closed!" he shouted. This made Sabina cry, as she had seen other kids playing with rubber balls and wanted to play too. Mike had to carry her out to the car as she sobbed. An excellent first day, I muttered to myself, glaring back at the man shooing everyone out of the gym. 

The next morning was the actual first day that we had to leave Sabina at school. We parked and walked as a family with her to her room. Just as the previous day, the kids were corralled in the courtyard until the bell rang at 9:05am. The second it sounded, kids took off, bulldozing their way to their classrooms like herds of bison on the open plains of Yellowstone National Park. As we feared, Sabina took off running right after them, and we had to rush after her to stop her before she was trampled by the excited mob of elementary kids, and redirect her back to the line that was forming outside her kindergarten room door. We waited there until the teacher let them inside and we saw that she was safe in her classroom. I noted that we were not alone in this frame of mind, as several other parents were gathered around us outside the kindergarten room. As we were all waving goodbye to our babies, the teacher, without even making eye contact with any of us, shut the door in our faces.

I got a phone call 2 hours later. It was the school nurse. I almost had a heart attack before she told me the reason she was calling. Sabina had apparently wet her pants and they needed me to come bring her clean clothes. I couldn't understand how this had happened. They have bathrooms right in the classroom, and she was made aware of them the previous day and even used it while we were there! Plus, she's been potty trained since she was 2.5 years old! Granted she has had occasions after that where she didn't make it in time, or was too excited and accidentally wet herself. But regardless, she had never once had an accident at her preschool class the previous spring. I wondered if perhaps the bathroom was occupied, or she tried to tell the teacher she had to go and was unheard or told to wait. I had no idea. I decided it must've been first day jitters making her forget, as the school nurse has chalked it up to be. I found Sabina sitting in the office waiting for me. I changed her in the bathroom there and then waited for the nurse to come back. I wasn't sure if they needed to check her out or something before she went back to class. The nurse was clearly busy taking care of several other things at once and told me I could take her back to class because she didn't have time to walk her back herself, so I did. It was just on the other side of the courtyard from the office. When I got there, the room was locked, so I knocked but the class was busy and no one heard me. Just down the walkway at the room next door, I noticed another mom being scolded by one of the infamous ladies in the orange & yellow vests. She was telling her she couldn't peek in the window at her child. "Can't I just--" the mom asked timidly. "NO! You really can't! You cannot look in the windows! Parents have to wait outside the gate!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. These ladies really were Nazis in orange & yellow vests. They needed swastikas around their arms and they'd be complete! At that moment in thought, she saw me and instantly began yelling at me as though I were an extension of the other mom and had just multiplied in front of her face. "Ma'am, you have to wait outside the gate to pick up! You can't wait at the door!" she yelled, storming toward me like an army official. I half expected her to whip out a cow prod and start shocking me with it. "I'm not picking up, I'm just bringing my daughter back to class." I explained as clearly as I could. She didn't seem to even hear me and just repeated herself as though I were speaking another language. "I'm bringing her back to class. She had an accident and I had to bring her clean clothes. The nurse told me to walk her back to class, so that's what I'm doing." The Nazi glared at me, waiting for me to do something, I guess, then pulled out her ring of master keys. "Oh, is it locked?" she asked, trying to find the right key. Letting Sabina into the room, she turned back to me and AGAIN repeated herself, "Yeah, we don't let parents pick up at the classroom. We have them wait outside the gate." I looked back at her like she had 5 heads. "I understand that, but I wasn't picking her up. I was taking her back to class like the nurse asked me to do. It's her first day and she's only 5 years old. I don't want her walking around campus by herself," I told her sternly as we parted ways, the Nazi woman muttering on about parents waiting outside the gate, bla bla bla.

Just yesterday morning, Mike was dropping Sabina off at school by walking her to class and waiting to see that she gets into her room before leaving, just as we've done regularly for the last two weeks, when one of the Nazi ladies in the orange & yellow vests comes over and addresses the group of parents waiting outside the kindergarten room. "From now on, parents need to sign into the office and get a visitor pass before you can come in here," she told them. When he came home and told me that, I was incensed. So, in order to drop off my daughter at her class, which would normally take about 60 seconds, I have to make a detour to the office, sign my name, time and room I'm visiting into a stupid book, fill out a visitor name tag with the date and stick it on my coat, then take my daughter to her class, drop her off, and walk BACK to the office to sign out?! Who knows how many other parents are going to be waiting in line to do this each morning? What is the point, exactly? It's absurd! Sabina's classroom is like 50 feet from the front gate, so why must I get a visitor pass for 60 seconds?! My daughter has been going to this school for a mere two weeks and I'm already ready to pull her out. The first PTA meeting and the "welcome back" fall garden party is tonight, and I don't even want to go anywhere near it. I wanted to be involved in every aspect of my daughter's school that I could, but I don't even want to interact with anyone there more than I have to now. I don't feel welcomed in the least.

What I want to say to the school principle, the teachers, and the staff at this school, is simply have a heart!  Let the new parents be new parents. Let them absorb the fun, joyfulness of the first day of kindergarten. Don't squash their needs to assure that you are going to be there for our children. Until the first day of school, they were our babies! We are cutting the umbilical cords and handing them over to complete strangers to care for during the better part of every day from now on! Show a little respect for the parents that bring you these kids to teach, and understand that it is heart wrenching to hand over your baby to a complete stranger that we are putting all our faith in. I don't appreciate being treated like an unwelcome stranger, or even a visitor. We are PARENTS! We deserve to be able to walk our new 5 year olds to their classrooms everyday as they get used to this routine and idea of school. We deserve to be there just as much as the children do! They are OUR children and you are taking care of them temporarily! Don't make parents feel powerless! Don't treat us like we don't belong there! Remember that each and every year, no matter how many times you've done this, this is still a NEW experience for the students and the parents. We need to feel secure and comforted that our babies will be in good, safe hands, and that they are happy when we leave them. Remember that this is a life experience for both parents and children! You are creating memories that will last a lifetime. It's a sure fire way to start out the new year with a negative first impression by shouting at parents and scolding the children. What are you trying to instill when the first thing a child experiences at their first school ever is an angry woman in an orange & yellow vest shouting at their mommy? Please, to the staff and veteran teachers who've been there for years, look back to your child's first day of school. Remember what it was like. The unfamiliarity, the newness and anxiety, fear and emotions you felt leaving your child in the hands of a strange new teacher. Then go back even further and remember what it was like to BE that new kindergartner on the first day of school, ever. I'm disgusted that this is what we have to endure, that this is what our daughter's school is like. I'm sick at the thought of it, knowing that because we aren't wealthy, we are stuck sending our children through the junior Nazi camp for kids instead of the beautiful Whole Earth Montessori school in the next town, on the right side of the tracks. Really puts you in your place, classicism, once you have to enroll your children into school. I feel like I just signed away my parental rights to the state instead of just starting her in school! I hope for my daughter's sake that she doesn't have a negative memory of her first day of school, but I know for a fact that it's already too late for me. I will unfortunately remember my daughter's first day of school for the rest of my life. And the manner in which I remember it will be all in thanks to that Nazi woman in the orange & yellow vest.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Is Breast Feeding Vegan?

You would be surprised how many times I have gotten this question since having my kids. It continues to amaze me how little people understand about veganism, even when it has ballooned in popularity like ten fold since I became vegan. Just the other day, when my in-laws came for our son's first birthday, my father-in-law proclaimed, "So, he is not fully vegan yet," when hearing that I still breast feed. Let me just please put this argument to rest once and for all.

To answer the question, you first have to know the definition of vegan, because this seems to be where everyone is getting confused. Check any dictionary, and you'll find the meaning of the word vegan is "a person who does not eat or use animal products". Seems straightforward, but it does lack certain explanations on why they do not eat or use animal products, and therefore whether humans are also considered in that definition. Everyone just assumes that because vegans don't drink animal milks, that must mean we don't breast feed either, or like my father-in-law thinks, that our babies don't become vegan until they are weaned! Misconceptions abound. According to The Vegan Society, veganism is defined more thoroughly:

"Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose."

So, in other words, to be vegan means to not cause exploitation of the creatures we share our world with (and I expect we would extend that to other planets as well, if this were to become a reality). 

Vegans do not eat meat because it exploits, causes harm and premature death (murder) to the animals. 

Vegans don't eat eggs, because it exploits and causes harm and premature death to the chicken. 

Vegans do not drink milk from cows because it exploits and causes harm and premature death to the cow. 

Vegans do not buy fur or leather because these products exploit, harm and kill the animals from whom the products originated. 

Vegan babies, on the other hand, DO drink human breast milk because it does not exploit, harm or kill the mother to breast feed. Nursing a baby is completely harmless. Not only that, but it's human to nurse our babies. We are mammals, after all. The word 'mammal' was originated from the fact that all mammals nourish their young from mammary glands. Being vegan doesn't mean we are anti-human. In fact, we feel more human being vegan than not vegan, because veganism means caring, compassion and respect for all living creatures, as well as for the planet in which we reside and owe our lives to. So yes, a human mother nursing or feeding her baby human breast milk, providing it wasn't purchased or stolen from enslaved lactating women who had their babies kidnapped from them after birth, is perfectly vegan. 

Thank you.

Monday, May 23, 2016

"Reverse Racism Does Not Exist"

"White people think it's "not about racism". What a shocker. I'm sure there's an #allvegansmatter Facebook group that would be more than happy to coddle your white feelings."

"Reverse racism does not exist."

":foreheadslap: Another one?"

"I am just tired of the white fragility, it is exhausting to keep having to confront it so much when discussing race and privilege."

"Lol, blocking someone for talking about white fragility is the epitome of white fragility."

"Discomfort is often a sign of growth. It's the least white folks can do."

"Oh and feeling guilty about your privilege, isn't oppression."

"Yeah, all white people bad."

"When white people continually and repeatedly dismiss people of color, they will be removed."

"White people quoting MLK at black people to tell them to not be divisive? Yeah, I'd call that dismissive of people of color."

"White fragility needs to stop being coddled at the detriment of people of color."

"Anyone who shits on people of color should be removed, it is just that the only people who would likely do so would be defensive white people."

"It was twisted to remove the very important context of which it was born from, to support white fragility, and that is not acceptable."

"White people don't get to spout out very, very harmful opinions and then say people who are affected by them need to grow up. You've been leading this conversation for far too long and need to shut the fuck up and listen."

"White people getting upset that POC want friends that they feel they relate to is pathetic and cruel."

"We want to END OPPRESSION, right? Or do we want to force all races to integrate into the "white norm"?"

"Telling people of color not to have their own space is very fucking oppressive. You are then telling them to assimilate into whiteness."

"White people don't need to be included."

"This is someone in lily white Seattle complaining about not being included."

"People were thinking of leaving due to her white-centric views! People were offended by her racial ignorance!"

"She continually demonstrates white privilege and white fragility, and enough is enough."

"Essentially saying that it's reverse racism crosses a line."

"It's not an anti-white person group, it's just a group for people who know what it's like to be a POC, which naturally Caucasians do not know what is like."

"Caucasians dominate everything since they have all the power."

"The point is, if people don't want random white people commenting on their threads (one example Simone gave was talking about specific hair needs that white people don't have), they don't have to."

"A random white person has essentially nothing to contribute to a discussion about Black hair. "White curiosity" isn't exactly an important reason it should be public."

"There are enough whiteys with their thumbs in everything."

"It isn't about differing viewpoints, it is about dismissing and talking over people of color. A white person (member of an oppressor class) telling people of color (members of an oppressed class) how best to stop racism is itself racism."

"This is never about me "wanting" to ban anyone, even your fragile white ass."

"Calling someone out on their white fragility is not racist."

"Maybe you should start by looking up "white fragility"."

"Maybe you misunderstood, but that means he's calling you fragile and white. The way he used "ass" ("your ass") is synechdoche--a part standing for the whole. As in, "get your ass over here", etc."

""You are white and fragile" isn't any kind of insult I've ever heard. Seems to me he was saying you have white fragility."

"If he wasn't trying to be disparaging, he could have said "fragile white self", which might make the meaning clearer."

"White people cannot experience racism."

"I don't go to vegan events here in Seattle like potlucks because the vegans in Seattle are predominately Caucasian."

"God white people are so corny. NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO INCLUDE YOU SUSAN. also, people of color can't be racist. Racism requires a power imbalance and a history of abuse of said power. Something that has never and will never happen to white people."

"Yeah, let's take the white mans dictionary definition of racism and use that as a definition for a real life social climate, that actually exists, that defies the dictionary definition of the word racism."

"White people created racism and perpetuated its existence to further their own goals throughout history. Racism is based on a power structure where white people hold power over all other races, through genocide, enslavement, dehumanization, demonization, and criminalization, throughout history continuing into current day."

"White racism doesn't exist."

"You can certainly dislike white people and not tolerate them, and have your prejudice, but how can you be racist against the dominant cultural paradigm?"

"Racism literally did not exist before white people made it a thing roughly 600 years ago. Like, it's a fairly new social construct that essentially came about during the begins of white European colonialism."

"It's self victimizing and pouty, and it gives people of color all the more reason to be like "well, see? We can't have anything to ourselves because white people always want to take it""

"People of color are under no obligation to constantly homogenize with white people! They are literally f'ing everywhere."

"You, a person of color, should have more consideration for what other people of color have to say about racism. Or, ya know, don't. I don't care. But your friend is racist."

"I'm going to take my toys and go home, because I feel weird explaining racial constructs to an Asian woman."

"I don't relate to caucassian vegans at all and i wanted to friend vegans who i can relate to. Nothing personal and i didnt intend this to be a race thing."

"Reverse racism doesn't exist."

"ppl of color go throo shit whites don't."

"White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They do not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration."

"A minority deals w/ more racism then any white person ive ever met."

"It's hard to relate to a group when you walk into a room and no one looks like you. And no, recognizing that is not racist in itself. At all."

"I'm probably being paranoid but it's due to the amount of racist Caucasians in the nation."

"I think there needs to be more places where whiteness doesn't permeate everything."

"White people get all worked up when people don't want to include them in absolutely everything."

"It's just ignorance borne of privilege."

"Look. Don't get mad at us for not wanting to sit with you after you told us we couldn't, and then made our own table. None of us have time for that shit."

"White folks who are second guessing the intention of posters, you are way way way out of line and contributing to the creation of a hostile environment."

"Examples of white vegan cluelessness are everywhere in abundance."

"Let's talk the weird tendency among white vegans to talk like race is the problem that's already been "fixed"."

"White vegan activists have got to step up on intersectionality and stop freaking out over POC wanting more friends who get it."

"And honestly, as a white person, you really CAN'T understand what a black person goes through."

"Yea, and white folks telling black and brown folks we shouldn't want to connect w/one another is def gonna make us like ya'll more.... It doesn't."

"White people happened."

"White vegans need to step up with our critical thinking and compassion."

"White vegans have a lot of work to do."

"Your loud white voice was belittling time and time again."

"You as a white person don't get to decide how best to end discrimination. Stop speaking at people of color and fucking listen to them!"

"I'm really tryna figure out a way to harvest white tears for fuel... it would end carbon in a second. Free white tears for everyone! We won't ever run out..."

"Unfortunately, many white people struggle to see their privilege".

"It is not the job of people of color to make whites feel included nor to try to alleviate the feelings of whites when they feel excluded."

"When Whites say that we don't see color that is again minimizing and invalidating the feelings experienced by people of color in our country." 

"I joined a goth vegan group but then all the vegan metalheads got all bent out of shape over the existence of a goth group and demanded to be included in it.  Oh wait. That never happened. That only happens when white people find out about a group that isn't about them. Sorry about that."

The above comments were taken directly from a recent post someone made in one of  my vegan Facebook groups asking if there were any other "vegans of color" in the group because, as she stated, she doesn't relate to "white vegans" AT ALL. ONE white person stood up to voice her opinion against of the racist nature of the post and was immediately attacked from all angles by people of color, and finally kicked out of the group for doing nothing more than standing up for equality. This from a group of "compassionate" vegans no less.  No one can convince me that reverse racism doesn't exist. I don't think I need to say anything more about it here. I'll just let those comments speak for themselves...