Monday, May 23, 2016

"Reverse Racism Does Not Exist"

"White people think it's "not about racism". What a shocker. I'm sure there's an #allvegansmatter Facebook group that would be more than happy to coddle your white feelings."

"Reverse racism does not exist."

":foreheadslap: Another one?"

"I am just tired of the white fragility, it is exhausting to keep having to confront it so much when discussing race and privilege."

"Lol, blocking someone for talking about white fragility is the epitome of white fragility."

"Discomfort is often a sign of growth. It's the least white folks can do."

"Oh and feeling guilty about your privilege, isn't oppression."

"Yeah, all white people bad."

"When white people continually and repeatedly dismiss people of color, they will be removed."

"White people quoting MLK at black people to tell them to not be divisive? Yeah, I'd call that dismissive of people of color."

"White fragility needs to stop being coddled at the detriment of people of color."

"Anyone who shits on people of color should be removed, it is just that the only people who would likely do so would be defensive white people."

"It was twisted to remove the very important context of which it was born from, to support white fragility, and that is not acceptable."

"White people don't get to spout out very, very harmful opinions and then say people who are affected by them need to grow up. You've been leading this conversation for far too long and need to shut the fuck up and listen."

"White people getting upset that POC want friends that they feel they relate to is pathetic and cruel."

"We want to END OPPRESSION, right? Or do we want to force all races to integrate into the "white norm"?"

"Telling people of color not to have their own space is very fucking oppressive. You are then telling them to assimilate into whiteness."

"White people don't need to be included."

"This is someone in lily white Seattle complaining about not being included."

"People were thinking of leaving due to her white-centric views! People were offended by her racial ignorance!"

"She continually demonstrates white privilege and white fragility, and enough is enough."

"Essentially saying that it's reverse racism crosses a line."

"It's not an anti-white person group, it's just a group for people who know what it's like to be a POC, which naturally Caucasians do not know what is like."

"Caucasians dominate everything since they have all the power."

"The point is, if people don't want random white people commenting on their threads (one example Simone gave was talking about specific hair needs that white people don't have), they don't have to."

"A random white person has essentially nothing to contribute to a discussion about Black hair. "White curiosity" isn't exactly an important reason it should be public."

"There are enough whiteys with their thumbs in everything."

"It isn't about differing viewpoints, it is about dismissing and talking over people of color. A white person (member of an oppressor class) telling people of color (members of an oppressed class) how best to stop racism is itself racism."

"This is never about me "wanting" to ban anyone, even your fragile white ass."

"Calling someone out on their white fragility is not racist."

"Maybe you should start by looking up "white fragility"."

"Maybe you misunderstood, but that means he's calling you fragile and white. The way he used "ass" ("your ass") is synechdoche--a part standing for the whole. As in, "get your ass over here", etc."

""You are white and fragile" isn't any kind of insult I've ever heard. Seems to me he was saying you have white fragility."

"If he wasn't trying to be disparaging, he could have said "fragile white self", which might make the meaning clearer."

"White people cannot experience racism."

"I don't go to vegan events here in Seattle like potlucks because the vegans in Seattle are predominately Caucasian."

"God white people are so corny. NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO INCLUDE YOU SUSAN. also, people of color can't be racist. Racism requires a power imbalance and a history of abuse of said power. Something that has never and will never happen to white people."

"Yeah, let's take the white mans dictionary definition of racism and use that as a definition for a real life social climate, that actually exists, that defies the dictionary definition of the word racism."

"White people created racism and perpetuated its existence to further their own goals throughout history. Racism is based on a power structure where white people hold power over all other races, through genocide, enslavement, dehumanization, demonization, and criminalization, throughout history continuing into current day."

"White racism doesn't exist."

"You can certainly dislike white people and not tolerate them, and have your prejudice, but how can you be racist against the dominant cultural paradigm?"

"Racism literally did not exist before white people made it a thing roughly 600 years ago. Like, it's a fairly new social construct that essentially came about during the begins of white European colonialism."

"It's self victimizing and pouty, and it gives people of color all the more reason to be like "well, see? We can't have anything to ourselves because white people always want to take it""

"People of color are under no obligation to constantly homogenize with white people! They are literally f'ing everywhere."

"You, a person of color, should have more consideration for what other people of color have to say about racism. Or, ya know, don't. I don't care. But your friend is racist."

"I'm going to take my toys and go home, because I feel weird explaining racial constructs to an Asian woman."

"I don't relate to caucassian vegans at all and i wanted to friend vegans who i can relate to. Nothing personal and i didnt intend this to be a race thing."

"Reverse racism doesn't exist."

"ppl of color go throo shit whites don't."

"White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They do not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration."

"A minority deals w/ more racism then any white person ive ever met."

"It's hard to relate to a group when you walk into a room and no one looks like you. And no, recognizing that is not racist in itself. At all."

"I'm probably being paranoid but it's due to the amount of racist Caucasians in the nation."

"I think there needs to be more places where whiteness doesn't permeate everything."

"White people get all worked up when people don't want to include them in absolutely everything."

"It's just ignorance borne of privilege."

"Look. Don't get mad at us for not wanting to sit with you after you told us we couldn't, and then made our own table. None of us have time for that shit."

"White folks who are second guessing the intention of posters, you are way way way out of line and contributing to the creation of a hostile environment."

"Examples of white vegan cluelessness are everywhere in abundance."

"Let's talk the weird tendency among white vegans to talk like race is the problem that's already been "fixed"."

"White vegan activists have got to step up on intersectionality and stop freaking out over POC wanting more friends who get it."

"And honestly, as a white person, you really CAN'T understand what a black person goes through."

"Yea, and white folks telling black and brown folks we shouldn't want to connect w/one another is def gonna make us like ya'll more.... It doesn't."

"White people happened."

"White vegans need to step up with our critical thinking and compassion."

"White vegans have a lot of work to do."

"Your loud white voice was belittling time and time again."

"You as a white person don't get to decide how best to end discrimination. Stop speaking at people of color and fucking listen to them!"

"I'm really tryna figure out a way to harvest white tears for fuel... it would end carbon in a second. Free white tears for everyone! We won't ever run out..."

"Unfortunately, many white people struggle to see their privilege".

"It is not the job of people of color to make whites feel included nor to try to alleviate the feelings of whites when they feel excluded."

"When Whites say that we don't see color that is again minimizing and invalidating the feelings experienced by people of color in our country." 

"I joined a goth vegan group but then all the vegan metalheads got all bent out of shape over the existence of a goth group and demanded to be included in it.  Oh wait. That never happened. That only happens when white people find out about a group that isn't about them. Sorry about that."

The above comments were taken directly from a recent post someone made in one of  my vegan Facebook groups asking if there were any other "vegans of color" in the group because, as she stated, she doesn't relate to "white vegans" AT ALL. ONE white person stood up to voice her opinion against of the racist nature of the post and was immediately attacked from all angles by people of color, and finally kicked out of the group for doing nothing more than standing up for equality. This from a group of "compassionate" vegans no less.  No one can convince me that reverse racism doesn't exist. I don't think I need to say anything more about it here. I'll just let those comments speak for themselves...