Monday, July 19, 2010

Ten Days Waiting, Waiting...

On bedrest at the hotel, day of the embryo transfer

It's been 11 days, exactly now to the minute from when my embryo transfer occurred, and I have been agonizingly awaiting the d-day ever since.  D-day was yesterday, by the way.  The first blood pregnancy test.  But, of course I am still waiting for the results.  

We're back home now, as of Saturday, and that meant I had to get my blood draw back at my local lab.  Unfortunately, my lab is as slow as they come, and told me Sunday morning when I went in for the draw that I would probably get the results by Wednesday!  WHAT?!  I know, really.  It's a pregnancy test.  Are you telling me that's really gonna take you 3 whole days to test my blood for that?!   Not cool.  So, later that day my fertility clinic called me to let me know they talked to my lab and I guess they talked some sense into them because now they say they should have the results by 5pm yesterday.  But, because of the fact that my fertility clinic closes at 5pm, I was told I probably wouldn't get the results until today!  Well, I'm still waiting for that call...  My cell phone and the home phone have been next to me where ever I went in the house this morning just so I don't miss it, but the suspense is literally driving me mad....

Sorry, the phone just rang and I think I lost my heart for a minute there... had to go find it.  It was just my insurance company.  Fools!  I'm not answering unless you are my doctor!

There is a lot of mystery about these 10 days waiting after transfer that really bothered me, and I tried to look up online what other people experienced during, but it seems to be a whole lot of unknown.  In my experience, I have felt fairly mild and random cramps, like menstral cramps, and only recently in the last couple days did I notice any spotting of any sort, but it is so almost non existent I probably wouldn't have noticed had I not been actually watching for it.  

What I read online is that it is quite common for women to experience cramps in the days after the IVF embryo transfer, but I found it strange that my clinic didn't warn me of this.  They've been so informative otherwise that I was a little concerned when I started feeling them and didn't realize it was normal.  Other than that, there is absolutely nothing else I can say I feel differently that could indicate one way or the other if I'm pregnant.  The progesterone shots and suppositories pretty much mask any "pregnancy" symptoms I might be having, since they cause you to become tired and moody and make your breasts hurt like mad!

As for the suppositories; wow.  It was funny how I had no idea what I was supposed to do with them since they came with no instruction except "insert vaginally at bedtime".  It looked like a white crayon and has the consistency of bar soap or a wax candle.  But once you put in in there, it melts in a matter of minutes.  I highly recommend using panty liners of some sort while using suppositories!  Enough said.

Well, it's 11:30... Mike is at work.  It's his first day back after 3 weeks, and he's bound to have one heck of an interesting day today!  I've been hoping my clinic will call during his lunch break when he will be home (noon to 1pm).  Otherwise, I will be alone and who knows what will happen... 

Whatever happens, though, I'll post soon...


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